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Ryan Saupp
Assistant Network Administrator
Technology Department
(814) 378-7616 x 2118
Ryan Skomra
Technology Coordinator
Technology Department
(814) 378-7616 x 2018
Steven Bierly
Science and Agriculture
High School
(814) 378-7616 x 2115
Steve Kitko
Assistant Facilities Director
(814) 378-7616 x 2021
Taylor Trenger-Dumm
5th Grade
Elementary School
(814) 378-7683 x 1207
Thomas Webb
Dean of Students, Athletic Director, Language Arts Department Chair
High School Adminsitration
(814) 378-7616 x 2005
Tiffany Lewis
Confidential Secretary
District Office
(814) 378-7609 x 3003
Tonya Lewis
High School Nurse
(814) 378-7616 x 2011
Traci Tomasko
Elementary Principal
Elementary Administration
(814) 378-7683 x 1107
Van Cornish
Physical Education
Elementary School
(814) 378-7683 x 1040
Wendy Payne
Special Education Director
Special Education Department
(814) 378-7683 x 1013
William Reese
Health and PE Department Chair
High School
(814) 378-7616 x 2015